How to Save on Your Electric Bill

For many homeowners in the Miami Valley, the electrical bill is a sizable portion of their monthly expenses.

But with just a little bit of effort and forethought, anyone can reduce their power bill.

At Stepladder Properties, we’ve worked in real estate in the Miami Valley for quite some time. And we’ve learned a lot about buying and selling real estate, renovating homes, working with real estate agents, and yes… even lowering the cost of utilities.

So we thought we’d stop by and offer some practical tips for reducing your monthly electric bill…

Add Insulation — The better insulated your home is, the less money you’ll need to spend to raise or lower the indoor temperature. So it’s a good idea to add insulation to your home or to at least check the existing insulation.

Replace Air Filter — The dirtier your air filter, the harder your AC unit has to work to pump clean air into your home… which means more power being used. So make sure to replace your air filter often!

Lower Water Heater Temp — Your water heater might be hotter than it needs to be… which is to say that it’s using more POWER than it needs to use. You can turn down the temp on your water heater to save some money.

Get a Programmable Thermostat — A programmable thermostat can help you save money on your power bill by allowing you to control exactly how much power you use to heat or cool your home, and when you use it.

Those are just a few ideas — there are a lot of ways to save money on your monthly power bill.

Hope that helps!

If you want to sell your home for a fair cash price, give us a call at (937) 230-8081. We can close in as little as two weeks and we’ll pay all closing costs!

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